Most of the methods for determining residual stresses inside metallic solids are destructive, which is undesirable. The ultrasonic technique provides a useful nondestructive tool in the evaluation of stresses. This work presents the application of shear and longitudinal waves in the determination of stress state in a steel bar. A bar stressed by a hydraulic system is used to simulate the effect of the tensile stress. The stresses are recorded and compared with the real value calculated using the force and the bar cross-sectional area. The comparison between the theoretical and experimental results shows that it is possible to correlate tensile stresses and velocity with both methods, although the longitudinal critically refracted waves have greater sensitivity to the stress.
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August 2002
Technical Papers
Comparison of Acoustoelastic Methods to Evaluate Stresses in Steel Plates and Bars
Auteliano A. dos Santos,, Jr.,
Auteliano A. dos Santos,, Jr.
Departamento de Projeto Mecanico, FEM\UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brasil 13100-970
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Don E. Bray
Don E. Bray
Don E. Bray, Inc., College Station, TX, 77842-0315
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Auteliano A. dos Santos,, Jr.
Departamento de Projeto Mecanico, FEM\UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brasil 13100-970
Don E. Bray
Don E. Bray, Inc., College Station, TX, 77842-0315
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, January 20, 2002; revised manuscript received April 15, 2002. Associate Editor: S. Y. Zamrik.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Aug 2002, 124(3): 354-358 (5 pages)
Published Online: July 26, 2002
Article history
January 20, 2002
April 15, 2002
July 26, 2002
dos Santos,, A. A., Jr., and Bray, D. E. (July 26, 2002). "Comparison of Acoustoelastic Methods to Evaluate Stresses in Steel Plates and Bars ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. August 2002; 124(3): 354–358.
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