Wave loads from breaking waves on offshore wind turbine (OWT) substructures in shallow waters still remain uncertain. The interaction of breaking waves with structures is characterized by complex free surface deformations, instantaneous impact of the water mass against the structure, and consequently large wave forces on the structures. The main objective of the paper is to investigate wave impact pressures and kinematics during the interaction of breaking waves with a vertical cylinder using the open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model REEF3D. The model is based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with the level set method and k–ω turbulence model. Three wave impact conditions are considered in this study. The numerically simulated free surface deformations around the cylinder during the breaking wave interaction are also presented for different wave impact conditions. For three wave impact conditions, the wave impact pressure and the horizontal and vertical components of the particle velocity are computed in front of the cylinder and analyzed. The pressure and velocity profile at their maximum values are also examined and discussed. In addition, the total force is calculated for three breaking conditions and they are correlated with the pressure and kinematics during the interaction.
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October 2019
Numerical Modeling of Breaking Wave Kinematics and Wave Impact Pressures on a Vertical Slender Cylinder
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella,
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: mayilvahanan.alaganchella@gmail.com
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: mayilvahanan.alaganchella@gmail.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Hans Bihs,
Hans Bihs
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: hans.bihs@ntnu.no
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: hans.bihs@ntnu.no
Search for other works by this author on:
Dag Myrhaug,
Dag Myrhaug
Department of Marine Technology,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: dag.myrhaug@ntnu.no
Department of Marine Technology,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: dag.myrhaug@ntnu.no
Search for other works by this author on:
Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: oivind.arntsen@ntnu.no
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: oivind.arntsen@ntnu.no
Search for other works by this author on:
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: mayilvahanan.alaganchella@gmail.com
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: mayilvahanan.alaganchella@gmail.com
Hans Bihs
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: hans.bihs@ntnu.no
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: hans.bihs@ntnu.no
Dag Myrhaug
Department of Marine Technology,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: dag.myrhaug@ntnu.no
Department of Marine Technology,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: dag.myrhaug@ntnu.no
Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: oivind.arntsen@ntnu.no
Environmental Engineering,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim 7491, Norway
e-mail: oivind.arntsen@ntnu.no
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received July 17, 2017; final manuscript received December 2, 2018; published online February 15, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Yi-Hsiang Yu.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Oct 2019, 141(5): 051802 (8 pages)
Published Online: February 15, 2019
Article history
July 17, 2017
December 2, 2018
Chella, M. A., Bihs, H., Myrhaug, D., and Arntsen, Ø. A. (February 15, 2019). "Numerical Modeling of Breaking Wave Kinematics and Wave Impact Pressures on a Vertical Slender Cylinder." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. October 2019; 141(5): 051802. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042265
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