Due to the growing need for gearboxes to be as lightweight and efficient as possible, it is most important that the gear mesh’s potential is utilized as well as possible. One way of doing that is to define a flank modification that optimally distributes the load over the flank. Best practice for defining a flank modification is to manually check out the load distribution and to define a value of the flank modification. In general, this is an iterative method to get an optimally distributed load. This method can also be automated. To do this, the deformations of the gearbox (shafts, bearings, gear mesh) are calculated. With those results, a modification proposal is calculated and applied to the calculation model. As soon as the values for the next additional modification proposal drop under a certain limit, the iteration is finished. This method consumes time and computing power. Additionally, since it is an iteration, it does not always converge. A new method for calculating the lead flank modification for all gear stages in the gearbox to be calculated is presented in this paper. The method shown in this paper uses additional degrees of freedom and equations, which are integrated into the linear equation system of the gearbox model. Those degrees of freedom and the equations apply the boundary condition to the model of a constant load distribution. By introducing additional factors in the equations, it is possible to calculate a lead flank modification for an arbitrary load distribution. By integrating these additional degrees of freedom and the equations, only one additional calculation is needed to get a modification proposal. Examples throughout this paper show the results of this method.