In this paper, four types of plate-fin heat exchangers applied in 200 kW microturbines are investigated. Multi-objective optimization algorithm, NSGA-II (nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (GA)), is employed to maximize the efficiency of the recuperator and minimize its total cost, simultaneously. Feasible ranges of pressure drop, Reynolds number, and recuperator efficiency are obtained according to a penalty function. The optimizations are conducted for rectangular fin, triangular fin, louver fin, and offset strip fin recuperators with cross and counter flow arrangements. The results of each optimization problem are presented as a set of designs, called “Pareto-optimal solutions.” Afterward, for the designs, cycle efficiency and net present value (NPV) are compared based on technical and economic criteria, respectively. Maximum cycle efficiency occurring in a recuperator with louver fin and counter flow arrangement is found to be 38.17%. Finally, the optimum designs are compared based on nondominated sorting concept leading to the optimal solutions.
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Thermoeconomic Optimization and Comparison of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers Using Louver, Offset Strip, Triangular and Rectangular Fins Applied in 200 kW Microturbines
Peyman Maghsoudi,
Peyman Maghsoudi
School of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Sadegh Sadeghi,
Sadegh Sadeghi
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Iran University of Science and
Technology (IUST),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Iran University of Science and
Technology (IUST),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Pedram Hanafizadeh
Pedram Hanafizadeh
School of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Peyman Maghsoudi
School of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Sadegh Sadeghi
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Iran University of Science and
Technology (IUST),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Iran University of Science and
Technology (IUST),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
Pedram Hanafizadeh
School of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
College of Engineering,
University of Tehran (UT),
Tehran 1475857718, Iran
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received November 14, 2016; final manuscript received April 25, 2017; published online May 23, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Jim A. Liburdy.
J. Heat Transfer. Oct 2017, 139(10): 101801 (12 pages)
Published Online: May 23, 2017
Article history
November 14, 2016
April 25, 2017
Maghsoudi, P., Sadeghi, S., and Hanafizadeh, P. (May 23, 2017). "Thermoeconomic Optimization and Comparison of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers Using Louver, Offset Strip, Triangular and Rectangular Fins Applied in 200 kW Microturbines." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. October 2017; 139(10): 101801.
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