Finite element models (FEMs) are extensively used in the design optimization of utility scale steam turbines. As an example, by simulating multiple startup scenarios of steam power plants, engineers can obtain turbine designs that minimize material utilization, and at the same time, avoid the damaging effects of large thermal stresses or rubs between rotating and stationary parts. Unfortunately, FEMs are computationally expensive and only a limited amount of simulations can be afforded to get the final design. For this reason, numerous model reduction techniques have been developed to reduce the size of the original model without a significant loss of accuracy. When the models are nonlinear, as is the case for steam turbine FEMs, model reduction techniques are relatively scarce and their effectiveness becomes application dependent. Although there is an abundant literature on model reduction for nonlinear systems, many of these techniques become impractical when applied to a realistic industrial problem. This paper focuses on a class of nonlinear FEM characteristic of thermo-elastic problems with large temperature excursions. A brief overview of popular model reduction techniques is presented along with a detailed description of the computational challenges faced when applying them to a realistic problem. The main contribution of this work is a set of modifications to existing methods to increase their computational efficiency. The methodology is demonstrated on a steam turbine model, achieving a model size reduction by four orders of magnitude with only 4% loss of accuracy with respect to the full order FEMs.
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September 2017
A Reduced Order Modeling Methodology for Steam Turbine Clearance Control Design
Emrah Biyik,
Emrah Biyik
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
Yasar University,
Izmir 35100, Turkey
Yasar University,
Izmir 35100, Turkey
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Changjie Sun
Changjie Sun
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Emrah Biyik
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
Yasar University,
Izmir 35100, Turkey
Yasar University,
Izmir 35100, Turkey
Fernando J. D'Amato
Arun Subramaniyan
Changjie Sun
Contributed by the Turbomachinery Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received January 11, 2017; final manuscript received February 7, 2017; published online April 11, 2017. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Sep 2017, 139(9): 092604 (9 pages)
Published Online: April 11, 2017
Article history
January 11, 2017
February 7, 2017
Biyik, E., D'Amato, F. J., Subramaniyan, A., and Sun, C. (April 11, 2017). "A Reduced Order Modeling Methodology for Steam Turbine Clearance Control Design." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. September 2017; 139(9): 092604.
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