This paper systematically presents a complete leakage comparison for various types of wear experienced by labyrinth seals. Labyrinth seals used in turbine engines are designed to work at a clearance during steady-state engine operations. The tooth tip rubs the stator and wears either itself or the stator surface during transient operations, depending on the material properties of the tooth and stator. Any type of wear that increases clearance or deforms the tooth tip will cause permanent and unpredictable leakage degradation. This negatively affects the engine's overall efficiency, durability, and life. The teeth have been reported to wear into a mushroom profile or into a rounded profile. A rub-groove on the opposing surface may form in several shapes. Based on a literature survey, five rub-groove shapes are considered in this work. They are rectangle, trapezoid (isosceles and acute), triangle, and ellipse. In this work, leakage degradation due to wear is numerically quantified for both mushroomed and rounded tooth wear profiles. It also includes analyses on rounded teeth with the formation of five rub-groove shapes. All parameters are analyzed at various operating conditions (clearance, pressure ratio, number of teeth, and rotor speed). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses are carried out by employing compressible turbulent flow in a 2D axisymmetrical coordinate system. CFD analyses show that the following tooth-wear conditions affect leakage from least to greatest: unworn, rounded, and mushroomed. These are for an unworn flat stator. It is also observed that rub-groove shapes considerably affect the leakage depending on the clearance. Leakage increases with the following groove profiles: triangular, rectangular, acute trapezoidal, isosceles trapezoidal, and elliptical. The results show that any type of labyrinth seal wear has significant effects on leakage. Therefore, leakage degradation due to wear should be considered during the engine design phase.
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June 2017
Labyrinth Seal Leakage Degradation Due to Various Types of Wear
Yahya Dogu,
Yahya Dogu
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
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Koray Gezer,
Koray Gezer
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
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Murat S. Ozmusul
Murat S. Ozmusul
Search for other works by this author on:
Yahya Dogu
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Mustafa C. Sertçakan
Koray Gezer
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Kirikkale University,
Yahsihan, Kirikkale 71450, Turkey
Mustafa Kocagül
Ercan Arıcan
Murat S. Ozmusul
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Structures and Dynamics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received August 9, 2016; final manuscript received December 15, 2016; published online February 1, 2017. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jun 2017, 139(6): 062504 (11 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2017
Article history
August 9, 2016
December 15, 2016
Dogu, Y., Sertçakan, M. C., Gezer, K., Kocagül, M., Arıcan, E., and Ozmusul, M. S. (February 1, 2017). "Labyrinth Seal Leakage Degradation Due to Various Types of Wear." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. June 2017; 139(6): 062504.
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