Biodiesel is prepared using linseed oil and methanol by the process of transesterification. Use of linseed oil methyl ester (LOME) in a compression ignition engine was found to develop a highly compatible engine-fuel system with low emission characteristics. Two similar engines were operated using optimum biodiesel blend and mineral diesel oil, respectively. These were subjected to long-term endurance tests. Lubricating oil samples drawn from both engines after a fixed interval were subjected to elemental analysis. Quantification of various metal debris concentrations was done by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Wear metals were found to be about 30% lower for a biodiesel-operated engine system. Lubricating oil samples were also subjected to ferrography indicating lower wear debris concentrations for a biodiesel-operated engine. The additional lubricating property of LOME present in the fuel resulted in lower wear and improved life of moving components in a biodiesel-fuelled engine. However, this needed experimental verification and quantification. A series of experiments were thus conducted to compare the lubricity of various concentrations of LOME in biodiesel blends. Long duration tests were conducted using reciprocating motion in an SRV optimol wear tester to evaluate the coefficient of friction, specific wear rates, etc. The extent of damage, coefficient of friction, and specific wear rates decreased with increase in the percentage of LOME in the biodiesel blend. Scanning electron microscopy was conducted on the surfaces exposed to wear. The disk and pin using 20% biodiesel blend as the lubricating oil showed lesser damage compared to the one subjected to diesel oil as the lubricating fluid, confirming additional lubricity of biodiesel.
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July 2003
Technical Papers
Wear Assessment in a Biodiesel Fueled Compression Ignition Engine
A. K. Agarwal,
A. K. Agarwal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
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J. Bijwe,
J. Bijwe
ITTMEC, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
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L. M. Das
L. M. Das
Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
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A. K. Agarwal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
J. Bijwe
ITTMEC, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
L. M. Das
Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
Contributed by the Internal Combustion Engine Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received by the ICE Division, February 2001; final revision received by the ASME Headquarters, February 2002. Editor: D. N. Assanis.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 2003, 125(3): 820-826 (7 pages)
Published Online: August 15, 2003
Article history
February 1, 2001
February 1, 2002
August 15, 2003
Agarwal, A. K., Bijwe, J., and Das, L. M. (August 15, 2003). "Wear Assessment in a Biodiesel Fueled Compression Ignition Engine ." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. July 2003; 125(3): 820–826.
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