In industrial applications, rotating flows have been recognized to enhance mixing and transfer properties. Moreover, bubbly flows are also used to improve transfers. Therefore, it is interesting to study the effects of the dispersed phase on the structure of a Couette Taylor flow. Experiments are conducted for the quasi-periodic and the weakly turbulent flow regimes. Bubbles (0.035 times as small as the gap) are generated by agitation of the upper free surface (ventilated flow). Larger bubbles (0.15 times as small as the gap) are generated by injection at the bottom of the apparatus and by applying a pressure drop (gaseous-cavitating flow). Void fraction, bubble size, and velocity, as well as axial and azimuthal velocity components of the liquid are investigated. The bubble location in the gap clearly depends on the bubble size. For , there is evidence of bubble-induced modifications of axial transfers and wall shear stress, the observed trends being different according to the bubble location in the gap.
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July 2006
Technical Papers
Bubble Effect on the Structures of Weakly Turbulent Couette Taylor Flow
Amine Mehel,
Amine Mehel
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Celine Gabillet,
Celine Gabillet
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Henda Djeridi
Henda Djeridi
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Amine Mehel
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, France
Celine Gabillet
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, France
Henda Djeridi
Research Institute of French Naval Academy
(IRENav), Ecole Navale BP 600, 29240 Brest Armee, FranceJ. Fluids Eng. Jul 2006, 128(4): 819-831 (13 pages)
Published Online: May 25, 2005
Article history
May 25, 2005
January 17, 2006
Mehel, A., Gabillet, C., and Djeridi, H. (May 25, 2005). "Bubble Effect on the Structures of Weakly Turbulent Couette Taylor Flow." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. July 2006; 128(4): 819–831.
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