9R25. Elements de Mecanique des Structures. (Elements of the Mechanics of Structures). - M del Pedro and T Gmur (Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne, Switzerland). Presses Polytech, Lausanne. 2001. 262 pp. ISBN 2-88074-487-3.
Reviewed by P Laura (Dept of Eng, Univ Nacional del Sur, Av Alem 1253, Bahia Blanca, 8000, Argentina) and CA Rossit (Dept de Ingenieria, Univ Nacional del Sur, Avenida Alem 1253, Bahia Blanca, 8000, Argentina).
This is an excellent undergraduate textbook which deals with classical elements of Strength of Materials. It will be of wide use in the corresponding undergraduate courses in civil, mechanical, and naval engineering.
From a philosophical viewpoint, it would have been nice if names of certain scientists and historical data would have been included in the corresponding sections, like Galileo Galilei, Cauchy, Zhuravski, etc. This is a matter of opinion, certainly, but it gives the students a better perspective from scientific and technological viewpoints,...