Surface energy plays a central role in several phenomena pertaining to nearly all aspects of materials science. This includes phenomena such as self-assembly, catalysis, fracture, void growth, and microstructural evolution among others. In particular, due to the large surface-to-volume ratio, the impact of surface energy on the physical response of nanostructures is nothing short of dramatic. How does the roughness of a surface renormalize the surface energy and associated quantities such as surface stress and surface elasticity? In this work, we attempt to address this question by using a multi-scale asymptotic homogenization approach. In particular, the novelty of our work is that we consider highly rough surfaces, reminiscent of experimental observations, as opposed to gentle roughness that is often treated by using a perturbation approach. We find that softening of a rough surface is significantly underestimated by conventional approaches. In addition, our approach naturally permits the consideration of bending resistance of a surface, consistent with the Steigmann–Ogden theory, in sharp contrast to the surfaces in the Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity theory that do not offer flexural resistance.
1 Introduction
From an atomistic perspective, a surface is essentially a defect as it disrupts the atomic order in the material. Atoms on a free surface have different arrangement of neighbors, or coordination number, than their counterparts in the bulk. Therefore, if we regard a surface as layer(s) of atoms that differ from atoms in the interior, it is reasonable to expect that the physical properties associated with surfaces would be distinct from those of the bulk of the same material. By virtue of these atomistic underpinnings, surfaces play a vital role in several phenomena pertaining to nearly all aspects of material behavior. Furthermore, as the surface-to-volume ratio becomes significantly large at small scales, the impact of surfaces on the physical response of nanostructures is nothing short of dramatic. With the advent of nanotechnology and the drive toward miniaturization, surface energy-related effects have gained prominence in recent decades and have been studied in a wide range of contexts such as catalysis [1–3], sensing and vibrations [4–6], composites [7–10], self-assembly [11], phase transformation [12,13], fracture [14], nanostructures [15–23], and even fluid mechanics [24], soft materials [25–27], and biology [28,29].
In continuum mechanics, surface effects are usually modeled following the theoretical framework for surface elasticity pioneered by Gurtin and Murdoch [30,31,28,9]. The surfaces are regarded as elastic membrane-like entities with zero thickness attached to the bulk and endowed with a non-trivial excess energy referred to as the surface energy (see Ref. [32]). In the case of solids, the surface energy consists of two primary contributions. The first contribution is akin to capillarity or surface tension in fluids but is known as surface stress in the context of solids. The second contribution comes from surface elasticity as we need to account for the energetic cost associated with the elastic response of a solid surface. Since this area has been very well-studied, we refer to a few recent articles that provide an excellent literature review [2,23,32–36]. Some studies have also investigated the role of surface energy in the context of imperfect interfaces by treating them as a thin elastic membrane [37,38].
The importance of curvature-dependence of surface energy was first propounded by Steigmann and Ogden [39,40]. They demonstrated that the theoretical framework of Gurtin–Murdoch is incapable of modeling equilibrium deformations involving compressive surface stress fields as it does not account for elastic resistance to flexure. Naturally then, they argued, the Gurtin–Murdoch theory cannot be used to simulate local surface features, such as in wrinkling or roughening, which result from compressive surface stresses. Steigmann and Ogden proposed a modified framework which resolved this issue by incorporating curvature-dependent surface energy. However, due to the complexity of the Steigmann–Ogden curvature-dependent surface elasticity, there are very few studies on this topic till date [41–43]. Fried and Todres [41] analyzed wrinkling instability of a soft film subjected to the action of van der Waals force whereas Schiavone and Ru [42] examined the solvability of Steigmann–Ogden theory applied to plane-strain boundary value problems. Chhapadia et al. [43] applied the Steigmann–Ogden theory as well as atomistic simulations to provide a resolution to the apparent anomalous bending behavior of nanostructures.
The continuum theory of surfaces assumes a smooth, flat surface attached to the bulk. However, the surfaces of most real materials, even highly polished ones, exhibit roughness across various length scales. This raises an intriguing question: what is the impact of roughness on surface energy and its role in mechanical and other properties? This question was investigated in a few studies [44,45,23,46]. In particular, Mohammadi et al. [46] approached this problem using an elegant homogenization scheme based on energetics. They considered gently rough surfaces (that is, surfaces with small amplitude waviness) and, hence, were able to use a perturbation method for their homogenization approach. They concluded that even gentle roughness dramatically alters surface elastic properties, although it has a negligible effect on residual surface stress. They also observed that even if the bare surface has a zero surface elasticity modulus, roughness endows it with a finite modulus, and more importantly, some moduli may also change sign.
If gentle roughness can drastically renormalize the surface properties, what is the impact of highly rough surfaces? Addressing this question is the focus of our study. Using a multi-scale homogenization approach inspired by the work of Nevard and Keller [47], we seek to elucidate the effect of a very rough surface possessing surface elasticity. The central assumption underlying this method is that the wavelength of the roughness is small compared with the roughness amplitude which results in a highly rough surface. The significance of the multi-scale homogenization is that it replaces the highly rough surface with an equivalent layer of finite thickness with effective bulk properties that depend on the roughness as well as surface energy (see schematic in Fig. 1). This is in contrast to homogenization based on perturbation theory which yields an equivalent system consisting of a bulk and a flat (zero-thickness) surface with effective surface properties. In other words, the homogenized system furnished by multi-scale asympototics is a composite with distinct properties in the bulk and the effective layer. A unique advantage of the method is that it allows us to invoke the Steigmann–Ogden theory to examine the renormalized curvature-dependent surface elastic constants for a highly rough surface. Due to the small wavelength assumption, this method may not be suitable for modeling weak roughness where the wavelength is much larger than the roughness amplitude.
Some prior studies on homogenization of rough surfaces have been particularly crucial for the development of our work. Our proposed model differs from them in the following aspects:
In the framework of Mohammadi et al. [46], the amplitude of the rough surface is small compared to the wavelength. Thus, the roughness is gentle and can be treated as a perturbation about an effective flat surface. In our model, the wavelength of the roughness is very small compared to the amplitude. Thus, the surface is considered very rough as its slope is large. Hence, it cannot be treated as a perturbation about a flat surface. Taken together, the two studies capture the two limits of surface roughness.
Mohammadi et al. [46] use a perturbation method for homogenization treating the amplitude as a perturbation parameter. They obtain a homogenized system consisting of a flat surface with effective surface stress and effective surface elasticity. In our work, we employ a multi-scale homogenization method which replaces the highly rough surface with an equivalent layer or film of finite thickness with effective bulk elasticity moduli.
Since the model proposed by Mohammadi et al. [46] is based on the Gurtin–Murdoch theory, the effective flat surface obtained by them does not possess curvature-dependence of the surface energy. Our model, based on multi-scale homogenization, furnishes a natural way to draw connection with the Steigmann–Ogden theory to provide estimates for curvature-dependent surface energy constants. This is possible because our homogenized system replaces the rough surface with an effective layer of finite thickness which inherently possesses bending rigidity even though we do not consider curvature-dependent surface energy to begin with.
Although highly rough surfaces have received little attention, there a few notable exceptions [48–51]. However, like Ref. [47], all these studies use the multi-scale homogenization approach to study highly rough interfaces without considering interfacial energy. In contrast, we specifically study the homogenization of highly rough surfaces endowed with surface elasticity.
The outline of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 sets the general mathematical framework for incorporating surface elasticity theory and formulates the homogenization problem. Section 3 describes our multiscale homogenization scheme. In Sec. 4, we derive the effective elastic properties and the effective equations of equilibrium in the homogenized layer. Section 5 presents our explicit calculations for the case of a sinusoidal roughness. We specialize our results to a case of a thin film of finite thickness with a highly rough surface. The discussion includes a comparison of our results with those of Nevard and Keller [47] and Mohammadi et al. [46]. Our results and concluding remarks are summarized in Sec. 6.
2 General Framework and Problem Formulation
2.1 Useful Notations.
2.2 Surface Elasticity.
2.3 Problem Formulation.
System (12) describes the boundary value problem of a linear elastic composite body consisting of regions B1 and B2. Region B2 denotes the upper layer of thickness δ corresponding to the amplitude of the rough surface, and is governed by the effective equilibrium equation (12)2 with Ceff and f being the effective elastic moduli and forcing term respectively. B1 corresponds to the bulk which obeys the original equilibrium equation established in (5).
3 Multiscale Homogenization Approach
We follow the multiscale homogenization method proposed by Nevard and Keller [47]. They use it to solve a general boundary value problem in three-dimensions with a very rough interface separating two linear elastic bodies. The explicit solution for the homogenization problem entails solving the boundary value problem over a periodic cell, also known as the “unit cell problem.” To solve the unit cell problem in our case, we follow the notation of Vinh and Tung [48]. They use the multi-scale homogenization approach of Ref. [47] to derive explicit results for a two-dimensional elastic domain with a very rough interface. We also reduce the problem to two dimensions as it not only makes it amenable to explicit calculations, but it also covers a variety of practical problems that can be represented by two dimensional domains, such as biological membranes and thin films. To this end, we consider our domain B to be a half-plane with a very rough surface defined as . The function has a small period ɛ and oscillates between x3 = −(δ/2) and x3 = δ/2 with ɛ/δ ≪ 1. We require to be periodic in x1 (see Fig. 2).
3.1 Introduction of Separation of Scales.
3.2 Asympotic Expansion.
3.3 Boundary Value Problems for Perturbed Solution.
The equilibrium equation and surface equation obtained after incorporating the asymptotic expansion (23) include terms with different orders of ɛ. Gathering the coefficients of the same power of ɛ yields the following set of boundary value problems.
4 Homogenized Equations and Effective Properties
5 Numerical Calculations and Discussion
To gain insights into the implications of a highly rough surface on the mechanical response of materials, especially, nanostructures, we evaluate our results numerically for the case of uniaxial tensile deformation of a thin film, albeit with a very rough surface. We also examine by comparison the effect of high degree of roughness (based on the present work) versus gentle roughness (based on the work of Mohammadi et al. [46]). To this end, we start by considering a sinusoidal profile for the surface roughness.
5.1 Explicit Effective Properties for a Sinusoidal Roughness.
5.1 Extending these results to random roughness.
The results for sinusoidal roughness can be extended to a general roughness by assuming that the roughness is statistically invariant over a length scale Λ. Then, without loss of generality, f0(x1) can be considered to be a periodic function with a large enough period Λ where f(x1) = δf0(x1). Applying Fourier analysis, f0(x1) can be expressed as a superposition of sinusoidal waves. Furthermore, for random roughness, we can consider an ensemble of general surfaces with specified autocorrelation function and correlation length, which are statistical properties of the random roughness. We then assume that for a random roughness, f0(x1) is even and periodic with the period being larger than the correlation length. Expressing the profile for a general roughness as a Fourier series and applying the statistical properties for random surfaces should provide an avenue for extending the results for the sinusoidal roughness to the case of random roughness. However, such an analysis, although possible, is beyond the scope of this work. Moreover, we emphasize that such an analysis will necessarily have to be numerical and will be an interesting future study.
5.2 The Effective Young’s Modulus of a Thin Film.
We now examine and numerically to gain more insights. We consider a thin film of Cu with λ = 91 GPa and μ = 43 GPa, and ks = λs + 2μs = −3.16 N/m. We use these material constants for a (001) Cu surface taken from Ref. [55] and take the wavelength, ɛ, to be 10 nm to facilitate comparison with numerical calculations of Ref. [46]. We note that our theoretical model is applicable for any wavelength as long as the high roughness approximation is satisfied. Furthermore, although the present numerical example uses material parameters derived from atomistic simulations using embedded-atom method (EAM) potentials [55], our model can be used with material parameters obtained from experiments or computed from more sophisticated methods such as density functional theory (DFT) for more accurate predictions of surface properties. Since this work is focused on very rough surfaces with large amplitude while in Ref. [46], the roughness amplitude is smaller than the wavelength, we plot the Eeff normalized with respect to ECu = 4μ(λ + μ)/(λ + 2μ) as a function of the film thickness h ranging from δ to 10δ.
Figures 3(a) and 3(b) reveal that while in both cases the film has a softer elastic behavior as the amplitude of the roughness becomes comparable to the film thickness, a highly rough surface has a more dramatic impact on the effective Young’s modulus than a surface with mild roughness. Specifically, the Young’s modulus of the film is reduced to 30% for high roughness while it only reduces to 70% for mild or gentle roughness. When the film thickness becomes much larger than the roughness amplitude, the rough surface has a negligible effect on the Young’s modulus.
In order to understand the contribution of surface energy and surface roughness on the effective properties of the homogenized thin film, we compare the effective Young’s modulus of the thin film with and without surface energy effects. To this end, we first derive explicitly the homogenization results of Nevard and Keller [47] for a very rough surface and use them to obtain an expression for the Young’s modulus of a thin film with sinusoidal roughness (Appendix B).
Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the results for our model and the model by Mohammadi et al. [46] for roughness with small amplitude (δ = 0.01ɛ) whereas Figs. 4(c) and 4(d) compare their results for roughness with large amplitude (δ = 10ɛ). As seen in Fig. 4(b), the model in [46] predicts that a gentle rough surface without surface elasticity does not change the Young’s modulus considerably. This is expected since it is very close to a flat surface. However, including surface energy effects even with gentle roughness results in a noticeable softening. Comparing this to Fig. 4(a), we note that our approach predicts a significant reduction in the Young’s modulus even when the roughness is very small. An even more curious outcome is that including surface elasticity results in a slight increase in the Young’s modulus. This is physically unreasonable since the numerical calculations based on Ref. [46] study shows that surface effects should cause softening for Cu. This implies that since the multi-scale homogenization treats the roughness as an equivalent layer of finite thickness, it may not be suitable for modeling rough surfaces with very small amplitudes. In the case of very rough surfaces, Fig. 4(c) based on our homogenization method reveals that roughness has a dominant effect, and hence, curves with and without surface energy effects are identical. Figure 4(d) shows that the model by Ref. [46] gives physically unreasonable results for the case of very rough surfaces. Taken together, Fig. 4 provides clear evidence that the multi-scale homogenization and conventional homogenization based on perturbation method yield two limiting cases for rough surfaces with large amplitudes and rough surfaces with very small amplitudes respectively. We wish to note that we do not know the range of validity of either of these approaches for intermediate values of surface roughness and hence a direct quantitative comparison of our results obtained for high roughness with those presented for weak roughness in prior studies [44,46] is not possible. A theoretical analysis of the limits of validity of our method for intermediate surface roughness is beyond the scope of the present study.
5.3 Curvature-dependent Surface Energy.
For numerical calculations, we use two values of δ – 1 nm and 10 nm – to compute the estimates for C0 and C0 for rough surfaces with small amplitude and large amplitude. For δ = 1 nm, we get C0 = −9.0571 J/m2 ( = −0.5653 eV/Å2) and C1 = −1.963 × 10−17 J ( = −122.528 eV). The values are comparable to those obtained by Chhapadia et al. [43]. For δ = 10 nm, we get C0 = −221.261 J/m2 ( = −13.81 eV/Å2) and C1 = −2.2169 × 10−14 J (= −138369.27 eV). The large value for C1 for large amplitude is expected since a layer of larger thickness would have greater bending stiffness. However, we do emphasize that these are rough estimates simply to demonstrate that multi-scale homogenization provides a simple way to determine curvature-dependent surface energy constants. For more accurate estimates, one would need to equate the homogenized thin film to an equivalent thin film with a flat surface including curvature-dependent surface energy and would be an interesting future study.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we have extended the multi-scale homogenization method of Nevard and Keller [47] for highly rough surfaces to take into account the effect of surface energy. The novelty of the method is that it replaces the highly rough surface by a layer of finite thickness with effective bulk elastic properties as opposed to a flat surface with effective surface properties furnished by conventional perturbation methods. We obtain analytical expressions for a general highly rough surface and specialize our results for the case of a thin film with a sinusoidal roughness. Using numerical calculations, we compare our results with those based on the work of Mohammadi et al. [46] which treats the rough surface as a perturbation about a flat surface. Our study shows that the two methods provide two limiting cases for surface roughness. Specifically, homogenization based on perturbation methods are appropriate for gentle roughness with small amplitude but high roughness with large amplitude necessitates the use of multi-scale homogenization. We also show that the multi-scale homogenization approach furnishes a natural way for estimating curvature-dependent surface energy constants based on the Steigmann–Ogden theory [40].
We gratefully acknowledge the support of NSF under grant DMR-1508484. We also acknowledge the use of the Maxwell cluster and the support from the Research Computing Data Core at the University of Houston. We thank Professor Pradeep Sharma and Dr. Sana Krichen for insightful discussions.
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The authors attest that all data for this study are included in the paper. Data provided by a third party listed in Acknowledgment.
Appendix A: Introduction of Separation of Scales
Appendix B: Homogenized System in the Absence of Surface Elasticity
The boundary value problems for order ɛ−1 and ɛ0 in the absence of surface elasticity: