The quest for safe lower bounds to the elastic buckling of axially loaded circular cylindrical shells has exercised researchers for the past 100 years. Recent work bringing together the capabilities of nonlinear numerical simulation, interpreted within the context of extended linear classical theory, has come close to achieving this goal of defining safe lower bounds. This paper briefly summarizes some of the important predictions emerging from previous work and presents new simulation results that confirm these earlier predictions. In particular, we show that for a specified maximum amplitude of the most sensitive, eigenmode-based geometric imperfections, normalized with respect to the shell thickness, lower bounds to the buckling loads remain constant beyond a well-defined value of the Batdorf parameter. Furthermore, we demonstrate how this convenient means of presenting the imperfection-sensitive buckling loads can be reinterpreted to develop practical design curves which provide safe, but not overly conservative, design loads for monocoque cylinders with a given maximum permitted tolerance of geometric imperfection. Hence, once the allowable manufacturing tolerance is specified during design or is measured post-manufacturing, the greatest expected knockdown factor for a shell of any geometry is defined. With the recent research interest in localized imperfections, we also attempt to reconcile their relation to the more classical, periodic, and eigenmode-based imperfections. Overall, this paper provides analytical and computational arguments that motivate a shift in focus in defect-tolerant design of thin-walled cylinders—away from the knockdown experienced for a specific geometric imperfection and towards the worst possible knockdown expected for a specified manufacturing tolerance.