The use of combat helmets has greatly reduced penetrating injuries and saved lives of many soldiers. However, behind helmet blunt trauma (BHBT) has emerged as a serious injury type experienced by soldiers in battlefields. BHBT results from nonpenetrating ballistic impacts and is often associated with helmet back face deformation (BFD). In the current study, a finite element-based computational model is developed for simulating the ballistic performance of the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), which is validated against the experimental data obtained at the Army Research Laboratory. Both the maximum value and time history of the BFD are considered, unlike existing studies focusing on the maximum BFD only. The simulation results show that the maximum BFD, the time history of the BFD, and the shape and size of the effective area of the helmet shell agree fairly well with the experimental findings. In addition, it is found that ballistic impacts on the helmet at different locations and in different directions result in different BFD values. The largest BFD value is obtained for a frontal impact, which is followed by that for a crown impact and then by that for a lateral impact. Also, the BFD value is seen to decrease as the oblique impact angle decreases. Furthermore, helmets of four different sizes—extra large, large, medium, and small—are simulated and compared. It is shown that at the same bullet impact velocity the small-size helmet has the largest BFD, which is followed by the medium-size helmet, then by the large-size helmet, and finally by the extra large-size helmet. Moreover, ballistic impact simulations are performed for an ACH placed on a ballistic dummy head form embedded with clay as specified in the current ACH testing standard by using the validated helmet model. It is observed that the BFD values as recorded by the clay in the head form are in good agreement with the experimental data.
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November 2015
Modeling of Advanced Combat Helmet Under Ballistic Impact
Y. Q. Li,
Y. Q. Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Search for other works by this author on:
X. G. Li,
X. G. Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337;
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337;
Division of Neuronic Engineering,
School of Technology and Health,
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Huddinge 141 52, Sweden
School of Technology and Health,
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Huddinge 141 52, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
X.-L. Gao
X.-L. Gao
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Search for other works by this author on:
Y. Q. Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
X. G. Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337;
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337;
Division of Neuronic Engineering,
School of Technology and Health,
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Huddinge 141 52, Sweden
School of Technology and Health,
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Huddinge 141 52, Sweden
X.-L. Gao
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Southern Methodist University,
P. O. Box 750337,
Dallas, TX 75275-0337
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received May 9, 2015; final manuscript received July 16, 2015; published online August 12, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Weinong Chen.
J. Appl. Mech. Nov 2015, 82(11): 111004 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 12, 2015
Article history
May 9, 2015
Revision Received:
July 16, 2015
Li, Y. Q., Li, X. G., and Gao, X. (August 12, 2015). "Modeling of Advanced Combat Helmet Under Ballistic Impact." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. November 2015; 82(11): 111004.
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